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Managing Pressure - Hot Tips

Understanding The Stress Process

  • Pressure is inevitable - dealing with it is important.
  • Stress is cumulative - if you don't deal with it, it gets worse.
  • Deal with it now - the sooner you deal with it, the less you have to.
  • Can cause huge chemical imbalances in the body - adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol.
  • Affects every organ in the body and can reduce energy levels by up to 70%.
  • Our moods effect our response to situations.
  • Stress effects you and everyone around you.
  • Stress is linked to your lifestyle.


  • Do not ignore the symptoms - they wont go away.
  • You are the only person who can help you - remember the universe rewards action not thought!
  • Pressure is increasing - protect yourself.
  • Develop good habits that suit your lifestyle.
  • Embrace the Breaking Patterns philosophy - remember if you always do what you've always done you always get what you've always got!
  • It is your perception of a situation that is the threat - if you think you can't cope you won't.
  • Work on the 'choosing when to worry' technique - will worrying about this alter the outcome?
  • Take control of what is happening to you.
Stress Rope

Action Plan

  • Get up straight away when the alarm goes off.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Start your day in control.
  • Make sure your work position is comfortable and allows room for moving.
  • Do not delay tasks you don't like doing. You will feel better as soon as they are completed.
  • Reduce caffeine levels where possible...keep water by your desk.
  • Take a break at lunchtime - get away from your desk and into the fresh air.
  • Read a book at lunchtime if you can - focusing on something different will benefit you when you return to your desk.
  • Try to deal with one task at a time.
  • If you feel your stress levels rising, deal with the stress first. (Breathing, move away from desk, take a walk).
  • Close your work down smartly - if you leave your desk/workstation in a mess it will have an adverse effect in the morning.
  • Get some contrast between home and work - changing your clothes is a good way of leaving
    work behind.
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before going to bed.
  • If you have something that is worrying you, try to deal with it before you go to bed - even if it is writing it down to deal with tomorrow.
  • Try to wind down before getting into bed - warm bath, listen to some music.
  • Tell yourself it's going to be a good day tomorrow.

REMEMBER - Balance is the key. Common sense is all too often overruled by common practice. Don't let this happen to you - take some action NOW!

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Monday - Friday 6.00 - 21.00
Saturday 8.00 - 16.00
Sunday 8.00 - 14.00

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