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Health & Fitness Advice

Everyone can do it if they really want to! Let us help you...

Alcoholic Drink Broken Cigarette Poor Diet Weight Loss Nutrition Glutamine Hydration Blood Pressure Stress 100 Reasons to Exercise

Opening Times

Monday - Friday 6.00 - 21.00
Saturday 8.00 - 16.00
Sunday 8.00 - 14.00
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100 reasons to exercise
  1. Reduces your risk of getting heart disease
  2. Increases you level of muscle strength
  3. Improves the functioning of your immune system
  4. Enhances sexual desire, performance and satisfaction
  5. Helps you to more effectively manage stress
  6. Helps you to lose weight – especially fat weight
  7. Improves the likelihood of survival from a myocardial infarction
    (heart attack)
  8. Can help relieve the pain of tension headaches – perhaps the most common type of headache
  9. Improves your bodies’ ability to use fat for energy during physical activity
  10. Increases the density and breaking strength of bones
  11. Helps to preserve lean body tissue
  12. Reduces the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure)
  13. Increases the density and breaking strength of ligaments and tendons
  14. Improves coronary (heart) circulation
  15. Increases circulation levels of good cholesterol
  16. Assists in efforts to stop smoking
  17. Reduces your risk of developing type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes
  18. Can help improve short-term memory in older individuals
  19. Helps to maintain weight loss – unlike dieting alone
  20. Helps relieve many of the common discomforts of pregnancy (backache, heartburn, constipation, etc.)
  21. Exercise Icons
  22. Reduces your anxiety level
  23. Helps control blood pressure in people with hypertension
  24. Reduces the viscosity of your blood
  25. Reduces vulnerability to various cardiac abnormal heart rhythms
  26. Increases your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max – perhaps the best measure of your physical working capacity)
  27. Helps to overcome jet lag
  28. Slows the rate of joint degeneration in people with osteoarthritis
  29. Lowers your resting heart rate
  30. Helps to boost creativity
  31. Reduces circulating levels of triglycerides
  32. Helps the body resist upper respiratory tract infections
  33. Increases your anaerobic threshold, allowing you to work or exercise longer at a higher level, before a significant amount of lactic acid
    builds up
  34. Reduces medical and health care expenses
  35. Improves ability to recover from physical exertion
  36. Helps speed recovery from chemotherapy treatments
  37. Increases ability to supply blood to the skin for cooling
  38. Increases the thickness of the cartilage in your joints
  39. Gives you more energy to meet the demands of daily life, and provides you with a reserve to meet the demands of unexpected emergencies
  40. Increases your level of muscle endurance
  41. Helps you sleep easier and better
  42. Exercise Icons
  43. Improves your posture
  44. Improves athletic performance
  45. Helps you to maintain your resting metabolic rate
  46. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer
  47. Increases your tissues’ responsiveness to the actions of insulin (ie improves tissue sensitivity for insulin) helping to better control blood sugar, particularly if you are a Type II diabetic
  48. Helps to relieve constipation
  49. Expands blood plasma volume
  50. Reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer
  51. Helps to combat substance abuse
  52. Helps to alleviate depression
  53. Increases your ability to adapt to cold environments
  54. Helps you maintain proper muscle balance
  55. Reduces the rate and severity of medical complications associated
    with hypertension
  56. Helps to alleviate certain menstrual symptoms
  57. Lowers your heart rate response to sub maximal physical exertion
  58. Helps to alleviate low back pain
  59. Helps to reduce the amount of insulin required to control blood sugar levels in Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetics
  60. Improves mental alertness
  61. Improves respiratory muscle strength and muscle endurance – particularly important for asthmatics
  62. Reduces your risk of having a stroke
  63. Exercise Icons
  64. Helps you to burn excess calories
  65. Increases your cardiac reserve
  66. Improves your physical appearance
  67. Offsets some of the negative side effects of certain anti-
    hypertensive drugs
  68. Increases your stroke volume (the amount of blood the heart pumps with each beat)
  69. Improves your self-esteem
  70. Reduces your susceptibility for coronary thrombosis (a clot in an artery that supplies the heart with blood)
  71. Helps you to relax
  72. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer
  73. Improves mental cognition (a short-term effect only)
  74. Maintains or improves joint flexibility
  75. Improves your glucose tolerance
  76. Reduces workdays missed due to illness
  77. Protects against ‘creeping obesity’ (the slow but steady weight gain that occurs as you age)
  78. Enhances your muscles abilities to extract oxygen from your blood
  79. Increases your productivity at work
  80. Reduces your likelihood of developing low-back problems
  81. Improves your balance and co-ordination
  82. Allows you to consume greater quantities of food and still maintain
    caloric balance
  83. Provides protection against injury
  84. Exercise Icons
  85. Decrease (by 20 to 30 percent) the need for anti-hypertensive medication, if you are hypertensive
  86. Improves your decision-making abilities
  87. Helps reduce and prevent the immediate symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, sleep disturbances, irritability) and decrease the long-term risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity
  88. Helps to relieve and prevent migraine headache attacks
  89. Reduces the risk of endometriosis (a common cause of infertility)
  90. Helps to retard bone loss as you age, thereby reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis
  91. Helps decrease your appetite (a short-term effect only)
  92. Improves pain tolerance and mood if you suffer from osteoarthritis
  93. Helps prevent and relieve the stresses that cause carpal
    tunnel syndrome
  94. Makes your heart a more efficient pump
  95. Helps to decrease left ventricular hypertrophy (a thickening of the walls of the left ventricle) in people with hypertension
  96. Improves your mood
  97. Helps to increase your overall health awareness
  98. Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding
  99. Helps you to maintain an independent lifestyle
  100. Reduces the level of abdominal obesity – a significant health-risk factor
  101. Lifelong regular exercise may be protective against the development of Alzheimer’s disease
  102. Improves heat tolerance
  103. Increases the diffusion capacity of the lungs, enhancing the exchange of oxygen from your lungs to your blood
  104. Improves your overall quality of life - One Life Live it Well!